How to Heal Trauma without Digging Up Your Past
In this mini-lecture, taken from a recent Heart iQ Experience, Christian Pankhurst shares his insights into Trauma, Healing in Connection with Others and the revolutionary approach Heart iQ takes to open your heart and reconnect you to your essence.
Are you ready to continue YOUR Healing Journey?
We're just two weeks away from this year's Heart iQ Experience!
Experience 4 Days in an immersive and profound environment, learning Heart iQ Leadership skills for Your Personal, Relational & Professional Development.
With this 4-Day training event, you will be guided step-by-step, day-by-day to increase your Heart iQ and become more connected in the way you relate to yourself, others and the world.
If you feel called to study a deeper, richer, more heart-based approach to authentic connection and intimacy in relationships, then look no further – the Heart iQ Experience will help you get there.
Why Choose Us
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