Certified Practitioner Training - Level 1
Limited Registration For Our 2016 Program is Now OPEN
Start Your Practitioner Journey For As Little As $297 Per Month

100% Money-Back Guarantee
The course begins January 13th 2016. From this date, you'll have a full 30 days to try out this training including having full access to the live coaching calls with Christian. If you don't absolutely love the experience, just email or call us and we'll give you a full refund!
Download The 2016 Brochure
Click on the link above to open the brochure. To download it, just right-click on the link and select 'save as'. You will need a PDF viewer to open the document.

Course Overview
Watch this video for details about the course content & certification...
Your Journey
Here's the breakdown of what you'll receive and learn...
Small Group Coaching With Christian. 6-week induction training to build resonance...
The first step in the journey is to build resonance and get on the same page with others in the group. That's why Christian will personally take you and your class mates through a 6-week induction training to kick-start your amplified field.
Schedule: January 13th - > February 24th
- Week 1 - Welcome, Tune in, Check-in, Sacred Agreements, Spontaneous Response & Closure
- Week 2 - Warm Up Exercises, Introduction to Multi-Level Tracking
- Week 3 - Tracking Resistance Using The Amplified Field
- Week 4 - Discerning Truth from Conditioning
- Week 5 - Discovering Your Unmet Needs
- Week 6 - Introduction to Space Taking & Demo
"I would like to check in... May I have your attention?" Learn the tools of the trade...
Next, you'll spend 2 months learning the fundamental skills of Heart IQ Circle work. This is a critical step in your training, as you'll build a strong foundation from which more advanced practices can be built.
Schedule: March 2nd - > April 22nd
- Creating An Amplified Field
- Creating Safety
- Facilitating the Agreements & Building a Strong Container
- Building Resonance with The Group
- Holding Space
- Taking Space
- Increasing Coherence
- How to Warm Up The Field
- Following Circle Wisdom
- Laws of Energetic Group Dynamics
- Leverage The Entrainment Effect
- Learn To Facilitate the Tune in, Check in, Warm Up Exercises, The Group Read, Closure, Space-Taking Process, Spontaneous Response and the Group & Client Pop-Up
Put on your own mask, before helping others. 7 day live training with Christian
All great practitioners of Heart IQ have one thing in common - they have experienced the depth of this work in their own life. In this training retreat you'll be learning the art of circle directly from Christian while simultaneously taking space for your own growth.
Schedule: April 23rd -> April 29th
- 7-Day deep dive retreat facilitated by Christian
- De-brief sessions for your professional learning
- Take space for your own blocks so you can be a more effective Practitioner
- Get inspired about what Heart IQ can do for you and your clients
- Hosted at the Heart IQ Retreat Centre in the Netherlands
- Attendance is optional although mandatory if seeking certification
- Live Stream and Event Recordings will be made available
Roll up your sleeves and get to work. Delve deep in to the art and practice of Heart IQ
For the next 4 months you'll be studying the core parts of the Heart IQ Method through the 4 Pillars of Clarity framework. You'll help client's track their judgements, connect to their truth, own their needs and navigate their resistance.
Schedule: May 4th -> September 14th
- Pillar 1: Helping A Client 'Love What Is'
- Present Moment Tracking
- Helping a Client Connect to Their Innate Goodness
- Training Your Client To Be Fluent at 'Tracking Language'
- Second Layer Tracking
- Tracking Shame & Guilt
- Releasing Judgements & Taming The Inner Critic
- Practice Tracking While Receiving Amplified Energy
- Facilitating 'Body Anchors' To Support Client Safety & Improved Tracking
- Normalizing Shame & Digesting Core Unworthiness Through The Group
- Increasing Group Engagement
- Pillar 2: Helping a Client Access Their Deepest Hearts Longing
- When to ask: 'What Do You Want?'
- Vertical vs Horizontal Needs
- Focusing Your Attention By Choice
- Discernment of Truth over Conditioning
- The A.C.M.I - Area of Client Maximum Impact
- Developing a Good 'Group Read' - And Why The Field Can Interfere With It
- Facilitating the Client 'Pop-Up'
- Facilitating the Group 'Pop-UP'
- Vision Building
- Pillar 3: Helping Your Clients Discover Their Core Needs
- Pillar 4: Facilitating Client Resistance
- Pillars 3 & 4 are primarily taught at the Certification Event - see below
It's time to get physical. 7 day live certification training with Christian and the team...
To really grasp the depths of Heart IQ, you'll need to learn the art of Emotional-Energetic Embodiment. This can only be taught live and in this certification training, you'll practice your skills while learning the fundamentals of physicalization.
Schedule: September 17th -> September 23rd
- 7-Day Certification Event with Christian, Stephanie and the Supervisor Team
- Small Group Circle Facilitation Experience - get multiple chances to coach, take space and witness
- Emotional-Energetic Embodiment Training with Physicalization Fundamentals
- No pressure of assessment, Relaxed learning environment
- Hosted at the Heart IQ Retreat Centre in the Netherlands
- Attendance is optional although mandatory if seeking certification
- Live Stream and Event Recordings will be made available
Love your clients in their darkness. Learn to transform shadows into gifts.
Here, you'll help your clients expand into ranges they have deemed unacceptable or unlovable. Your job is to help them see that the parts they fear are strengths and gifts, which become accessible when they learn to channel their energy through the heart.
Schedule: September 28th -> October 26th
- Helping a Client Expand Their Emotional-Energetic Range
- Identifying Client Defense Mechanisms
- Translating Shadows into Gifts
- The Leap of Transformational Awareness
- How The Group Can Help Reveal a Client's Blind Spot
- An Introduction to Shadow Space and Witnessing Power
- Creating a Safe Space For Sacred Shadow Sharing
- Managing Client’s Fear and Projection
- Protecting From a Group Ambush
Putting it all together. It's time to take your new skills for a test drive...
When you learn Heart IQ, you'll have it all broken down in easily digestible steps and frameworks. But that's not how life works and your clients will bring chaos. At times, you need to throw the rule book out of the window and fly by the seat of your pants...
Schedule: October 26th -> December 15th
- Practice all 'Four Pillars of Clarity' together
- Refine skills from feedback received from Certification Event
- Deepen your understanding
- Develop flow and your unique style
Congratulations! It's graduation time!
At the end of the program, you'll be invited to attend the Academy Summit - a yearly reunion for all Practitioners where you will graduate and get a chance to celebrate with your peers and the Heart IQ team! This will be live streamed if can't attend live.
Schedule: December 16th -> December 18th
- Weekend Academy Graduation celebration with Christian, Stephanie and the Supervisor Team
- Join your peers and other past practitioners from all over the world
- Learn the cutting edge Heart IQ frameworks to add value to your work
- Party, heal and celebrate together!
- Hosted in the Netherlands - Venue TBA
- Attendance is optional
- Live Stream and Event Recordings will be made available for those who can't make it live
Start Your Practitioner Journey For As Little As $297 Per Month
Register Now
100% Money-Back Guarantee
The course begins January 13th 2016. From this date, you'll have a full 30 days to try out this training including having full access to the live coaching calls with Christian. If you don't absolutely love the experience, just email or call us and we'll give you a full refund!
Your Trainers

About Christian
Christian Pankhurst is a world-leading authority on heart-centered communication and heart intelligent relationships. He is the creator of the Heart IQ™ Method, a coaching framework that specializes in group dynamics and intimacy development. This methodology utilizes ‘circle work’ to create incredible results by leveraging the ‘Heart IQ™ Amplified Field’ to accelerate awareness and inspired action.
In 2009, he was awarded the title of ‘Britain’s Next Top Coach’ after winning a national coaching competition with a majority of votes from 92 countries and landing a £100,000 media production package. Following this success, Christian opened the Heart IQ™ Academy in 2011, creating a professional training organization that has certified over 350 personal and small group coaches as well as large event facilitators in over 50 countries around the world. The Heart IQ™ Academy offers a one-of-a-kind education by combining professional coach training in both online and live event formats along with embodied application of these training principles through Christian’s unique circle work method for personal and group awakening.
Christian is also the founder of the Heart IQ™ Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading Heart IQ™ into the heart of families and communities all over the world. Future plans include development of the first Heart IQ™ School at the Foundation’s headquarters in the Netherlands.
Graduating as a Chiropractor in 2002, Christian has worked closely with many world-leading experts in the field of personal transformation. In 2006, after extensive study with mentors from multiple disciplines, he began developing a new approach to coaching individuals and couples that integrates practices from natural healing philosophies, various spiritual teachings, therapeutic psychology, dance and movement modalities, martial arts, embodiment practices, non-violent communication, circling and numerous healing arts disciplines. This grand synthesis provides students with a deep understanding of the human condition and gives them the essential tools they need to help individuals and couples both heal and awaken.
Christian lives in the Netherlands with his partner, Sumir, at the Heart IQ™ Headquarters - a stunning four-hectare retreat and community center near Groningen. Together, they lead the dedicated Heart IQ™ Network team to spread the work of Heart IQ™ around the world.

About Stephanie
Stephanie Fabela is an expert in human dynamics, the expression of the self through embodiment, and relationship intimacy. She has been working with embodiment coaching for the past 14 years in both large and small groups, as well as supporting individuals and couples on their transformation journey. She holds degrees in Art and Cognitive Psychology, which is the study of how human beings develop in their emotional and mental capacity to navigate the experiences of life.
Since 1999, Stephanie has studied the human and energetic anatomy through disciplines such as Chinese and Naturopathic medicine, Network Chiropractic and Somato Respiratory Integration, which all focus on integrating life force through physical expression of focused attention, breath, movement, energy, touch and sound.
In 2011, she discovered the world of Heart IQ™ and began her studies with Christian Pankhurst to become certified as a Heart IQ™ Small Group Circle Coach and Large Event Facilitator. Currently, Stephanie holds two important positions on the Heart IQ™ Network team: Director of Programs and Education and Head Trainer. She works daily with Christian to co-create the training programs that serve those wishing to upgrade their relationship skills and change the course of their lives with coaching the Heart IQ™
Method. She co-facilitates with Christian at all the Heart IQ™ live events, ensuring that students are supported and trained to the highest standards of certification and personal development awakening.
She currently lives in the Netherlands with her partner, Dan, working to translate the extraordinary work of Heart Intelligence so that it is available and understandable to all those who are brave enough to open their hearts to feeling more of themselves and living a more joyful life.
Start Your Practitioner Journey For As Little As $297 Per Month
Register NowFrequently Asked Questions
What are the requirements for certification?
How much time will it take?
When are the supervised calls?
What technical stuff do I need?
Where will the live events be held?
What about food and accommodation?
Is this program right for me?
I have no experience. Is this still a fit for me?
Is Heart IQ accredited?
Can I make money with Heart IQ?
I have other questions... What do I do?
You can email us at [email protected]
Start Your Practitioner Journey For As Little As $297 Per Month
Register Now
100% Money-Back Guarantee
The course begins January 13th 2016. From this date, you'll have a full 30 days to try out this training including having full access to the live coaching calls with Christian. If you don't absolutely love the experience, just email or call us and we'll give you a full refund!