Heart iQ Circle Work Facilitator Training

Heart iQ Circle Work Facilitator Training

Learn the Fundamental Practices & Leadership Skills For Guiding Trauma-Informed Circle Work

Using the Power of Somatics, Depth Psychology & Group Dynamics to Facilitate Personal & Collective Transformation 

Apply Now

May 22nd - September 21st, 2025



 Join Christian Pankhurst and his team for an immersive 4-month coaching program designed to elevate your leadership and facilitation skills. This transformative journey includes online group coaching calls, home study materials, a live training retreat (attend in person or remotely), and online guided practice to master the foundations of trauma-informed somatic facilitation, group dynamics, and Heart iQ Circle Work. 


"Practical skills to live more joyful lives - this training is heart-centered, heart-led and heart-opening. You will laugh. You will cry.

But most of all you will deepen in an experience of what it is to truly feel loved and to love others authentically from your innermost heart."


Priya Mahtani

Heart iQ Coach, Graduated in 2014


"This was an incredibly well put-together program. Everything was just brilliant! If you want to coach couples from the Heart, then this training is an absolute must."

Heart IQ Relationship Coach, Graduated in 2015

"This work is what community is all about! Be in your truth and your joy! The Heart iQ Community is the family I’ve always wanted to have and I’m so grateful to have finally found home."

Heart iQ Coach, Graduated in 2013

"I’ve been a therapist for 30 years and if others like me want to shed the therapist paradigm and move into real heart centered, transformative work, THIS IS THE PLACE TO BE! There will be no retiring from this kind of work - I will take it with me until my last breath."

Heart iQ Coach, Graduated in 2013

"After my training, I got a real depth & understanding about how to lead groups. It became very apparent that I could use Heart IQTM in my work with conscious food experiences"

Simon G
Heart iQ Coach, Graduated in 2012

"It’s amazing how we all [in circle] created this! I could feel what it’s like to hold my own container and love myself. By the end of the event, I could coach and facilitate the circle. It‘s astounding!"

Heart iQ Coach, Graduated in 2013

“This is one of the best personal development experiences I’ve had in my eighteen years of working on myself. You incorporate the whole experience—body, mind, and spirit. It was so rich!”

Heart iQ Coach, Graduated in 2014

"I can’t see how I could do the work in my community helping and mentoring young men, giving them a sense of purpose and belonging, without using the Heart IQTM model. Now I am giving back. Thank you!"

Heart iQ Coach, Graduated in 2012

"It has made such a HUGE difference in myself and my abilities to be present with clients. It has TRANSFORMED MY COACHING!"

Heart iQ Coach, Graduated in 2012

"Since using Heart IQ with my clients, I’m having amazing results. It’s changing peoples lives! They’re sharing, expressing, and feeling without holding back."

Heart iQ Coach, Graduated in 2013

"It leaves you speechless. I went in as one person and I came out as something completely different. I FEEL completely different. I’m more heart, more body, and more mind. My soul is wider and more open than ever before.I can feel it all the time, in every cell. It’s a new world."

Heart iQ Coach, Graduated in 2014

"Don’t think you have to have yourself “together” to start this amazing training. Embracing & accepting all parts of yourself including feeling like “I’m not good enough” is part of the work and
the journey."

Heart iQ Coach, Graduated in 2014

"Don’t think you have to have yourself “together” to start this amazing training. Embracing & accepting all parts of yourself including feeling like “I’m not good enough” is part of the work and
the journey."

Heart iQ Coach, Graduated in 2014

What Is Heart iQ Circle Work™?

Welcome! If this is your first time here, then you're probably wondering,  

Watch the video to learn more.

Christian Pankhurst
Founder of Heart iQ

Let Me Show You Why Hundreds of Coaches, Leaders and Facilitators


Are Joining The Heart iQ Circle Facilitator Training For Their Personal & Professional Development

We all deeply yearn to be seen, to belong, to be loved, felt, and accepted. From an early age, however, we are bombarded with messages that to gain love and acceptance, we must conform to certain behaviors and ways of being. These messages stem from family, culture, religion, media, and the impacts of personal and collective trauma.

This societal programming ends up suppressing the essential aspects of ourselves, those intrinsic parts of our being that are most fundamental to our identity and sense of self.

Heart iQ Circle Work offers a transformative path for personal growth that harmoniously integrates the body, nervous system, trauma, mind, and soul. This approach dives into the hidden parts of ourselves, allowing us to safely access and feel the suppressed emotions and sensations linked to the core beliefs that inhibit us from living fully connected, free, and authentic lives.

When we create a safe space to face our shadows, we unlock the potential to release deep-seated trauma and the bound energy stored in our body and mind. This profound process work empowers us to step courageously into a more authentic and empowered version of ourselves.

Through this body-oriented, trauma-informed approach, you will develop new skills and gain profound insights into the necessity of group work, nervous system health, trauma awareness, circle dynamics, and somatic coaching. This holistic method fosters personal and collective healing and transformation.

As someone trained in the Heart iQ Method, you will guide others through deep personal and collective challenges, incorporating the body and nervous system for a holistic and enduring approach to awakening and integration. This practice not only heals individuals but also creates a ripple effect of growth and positive change within their communities.

Client Spotlight: Coco, United States 

Click the image above to hear Coco share her experience.

Core Principles of the Heart iQ Circle Work Facilitator Training


As trauma is stored in the body, We take a sensation based, nervous system & trauma informed approach : We believe true and long lasting transformation can not happen until we feel, meet, our body, sensations, emotions, neurobiology & physiology as apart of any therapeutic work.


Shame is integrated when held, felt & seen by a loving presence. The group field acts not only as a powerful catalyst for collective transformation & integration of our shadow but also as a loving tribe that offers a re-imprinting of our need for community & our intrinsic need for belonging & love.


We believe a true leader is one that leads from embodied experience. Therefore this will not only be a professional training but most importantly a personal transformation process. In order to work with other peoples pain, we must be willing to connect, feel & be with the hidden & denied aspects of ourselves as well.


Though the content of circle work is vulnerable & tender, we work with the principle of this work being an intrinsically joyful process, not something that has to be hard, painful or that we have to push through resistance. Shadow work is an act of no longer self abandoning & this in its essence is a touching & connected journey for all.


We include ALL parts of the Self in this work - dark, light, painful, joyful, awkward, refined, tender, confronting, closed and generous, as examples. Our intention is to integrate these parts in one whole self.


We believe that all healing has its own time; therefore, we allow Clients to be where they are in the moment rather than advising or counseling them to be in a better place.  As a result, we don't push Clients where they don't want to go or hold them accountable for the changes they want to make in their lives. 


We believe that healing is more than a personal process. Through this collective healing, life spontaneously reorganizes and transforms and the impact we have in circle goes beyond the room and touches the world in ways we can not imagine.


We prioritize the acceptance of ‘what is’ in Clients and ourselves - which means that we agree to not make who we are and where we are in the moment wrong or shameful. This creates safety, which is the most important aspect of our facilitation.


We act from the intention to make the maximum impact with the minimum amount of intervention - which means that we operate with the guideline of ‘less is more’ as a way to trust the intelligent life force that animates each of us.


We practice listening to and following the heart through this work - trusting that life will give us bread crumbs of wisdom to follow as we open our hearts and minds to receiving what is real and possible in the moment. We agree to move forward in our own lives and in how we support Clients by following the unfolding and  what moves with ease and inspiration rather than moving toward a goal at all costs.


We live by the truth that we are all intrinsically good and that goodness lies at the core of everyone. All of us carry wounding, some of which will permanently change us. However, our intrinsic goodness remains intact and accessible in spite of our wounding.

Client Spotlight: Geoff, Canada

Click the image above to hear Geoff share his experience 

Course Overview

What You Will Receive

1. Heart iQ Foundations, Part 1

Starting May 22nd, this 4-week journey introduces the essential principles of Heart iQ Circle Work through online videos and training exercises. Together, we’ll connect during live group coaching calls and deepen your skills to prepare you for the live training retreat. This is your first step into transformative facilitation.

2. Heart iQ Live Training Retreat

Join us for a transformative four-day live training retreat, offered in-person in the Netherlands (June 25th - 29th). Experience a powerful transmission of Heart iQ, practice in small group circles, and gain essential tools and skills to immediately elevate your professional facilitation.

3. Supervised Online Practice 

After the retreat, you’ll join a 8-week online practice group, guided by a dedicated coach and supervisor. Meeting weekly on Zoom with the pod formed at the live event, you’ll deepen your skills, take turns facilitating, and integrate what you’ve learned .

4. Heart iQ Foundations, Part 2

Beginning July 21st, this 8-week online journey is designed to deepen your skills and practices following the Heart iQ Live Training Retreat. Through live group coaching calls, online videos, and resources, we’ll build upon everything you’ve learned, layering the fundamentals of circle work to enhance your facilitation. 

Facilitator Skills You Will Receive

Here's a list of of the professional skills you will be learning as a Facilitator

  • Creating a Resonant Field
  • Creating Safety
  • Building a Strong Container
  • Attuning to Group Fields
  • Increasing Coherence
  • How to Warm Up The Field
  • Following Circle Wisdom
  • Laws of Energetic Group Dynamics
  • The Tune in Practice
  • The Check in Practice
  • The Group Read
  • Facilitating a Sharing Circle
  • Facilitating Medicine & Impact Shares
  • How to Close the Circle
  • Taking Space
  • The Five Boxes Model
  • The Four Directions of Connection
  • Somatic Tracking
  • Relational Tracking
  • Embodied Awareness
  • Basic Mat Work
  • Somatic Coaching & Facilitation
  • Nervous System Regulation
  • Working with Trauma in Circle
  • Basic Shadow Work
  • Somatic Movement practices 
  • Embodiment Exercises
  • Heart Centred Communication 
  • Facilitating 'Ranges' Rather Than Problems or Blocks
  • Managing Group Dynamics
  • Structure vs. Flow
  • Surrender vs. Penetration
  • Giving Praise & Feedback
  • Translating Circle Wisdom

Personal Upgrades You Will Receive

Here are Some of The Ways Your Life Will Be Enriched

Track Your Inner World

Being able to consistently access joy in your daily life can be challenging. We've devised a system of processing your moment-to-moment reality called Heart iQ Tracking.

Heart iQ Tracking provides valuable insight into what’s causing resistance to joy, what’s getting in the way, and which thoughts and judgments are keeping you from loving what is alive in you in every moment.

Increase Your Capacity

Capacity is the amount of open 'bandwidth' you have available to stay connected to your Heart before you become triggered into collapse, fight, or flight.

If you are operating at low capacity, you will not have the emotional and mental strength to meet your pain and the pain of others in a beneficial and non-toxic way.

Amplify Presence

Presence is more than the act of being attentive. In Heart iQ we define Presence as the integrated practice of being in connection to your breath, feeling grounded, energetically 'holding' while being tethered to source and meeting the moment with an open, responsive Heart.

Raise Consciousness

Become aware of the multiple layers that make up 'you'. You will learn how to become conscious of your defence mechanisms, your shadows and your blind spots as well as how you suppress your pain and express yourself in unhealthy and toxic ways. ‍

Raising your consciousness in these areas is key to changing old habits and establishing new healthy behaviours.

Become More Embodied

Heart iQ is an embodied way of connection and communication with oneself and other. To become more embodied, you’ll embrace bringing your awareness into the body, deepening your connection to movement, breath, sound & touch.

Activate your life force while staying grounded and connected to your intrinsic goodness & authentic essence.

Detox the BodyMind

Most people are aware of nutritional cleanses where one detoxes the body from the accumulated gunk created from unhealthy eating habits.‍

However, we also need to cleanse our emotional and energetic bodies from the toxic buildup of repressed pain created by making choices that distract us from our feelings and expressing our full light.

Navigate Trauma & Trigger

We are all source connected expressions of love and light. Yet we also carry wounding and trauma, that can often go “underground,” sabotaging our personal happiness and relationships.

You will learn how to hold all of your parts in love and navigate triggers more effectively.

Client Spotlight: Hils, United Kingdom

Click the image above to hear Geoff share his experience 

Why Take This Training

Skyrocket Your Practice

If you're a coach, therapist, counselor, or practitioner working with personal development and healing modalities, then this training could be your next step in expanding and transforming the way you work with your clients.

You'll not only learn how to make more of an impact with what you do, but you'll soon have the tools to help your clients surpass their deepest desires for transformation and healing. Even more exciting is the fact that your clients won't be the only ones receiving the benefits. While in this training, you'll become part of a thriving,heart-intelligent community with others who are passionate about sharing support and building life-long connections.

The training content offers a unique perspective of meeting your clients. Many therapies focus on the pain, block or area of distress. In Heart iQ, you will be shown how to help your clients re-connect to their joy, which is a process that requires others. You'll learn
how to guide your clients through this journey of self-awareness, while offering them the life-changing gift of knowing how to digest their pain, shame and resistance without needing to focus on the past or fix their behavior.

While learning how to facilitate group dynamics through the Heart iQ Circle Work method, you'll be studying and practicing in a small group yourself.

This format ensures that you will walk away with not only a new knowledge base, but also an imprint of what you've learned. This imprint provides both you and your clients with an accelerated way of learning - by creating a new cellular memory of what's possible, and not just through the mind's understanding, but from a deeper, body-anchored, felt sense of knowing that more is possible.

Once you discover the power of Heart iQ group circle dynamics, you'll be forever grateful to yourself that you embarked on this journey!

Accelerated Your Personal Growth

When you train as a Heart iQ Facilitator, you will embark on the most exhilarating and accelerated path of personal growth you could ever dream of. As you help others connect to their joy, you will be reminded of the path back to your own Heart... and in the times when you’re triggered, hurt and in defense you'll know what to do to re-connect and open yourself to life.

You won't find an education like it anywhere else on the planet... and what you'll learn will save your relationship, set your kids up for life and give you a community that will embrace you and support you for years to come. When you're in charge of leading a Heart iQ circle, you'll be challenged to stretch your own emotional energetic ranges - for you can only lead another to a new place if you have had the courage to go there yourself.

You most likely already know the truth that we all teach what we need to learn the most, but there is a bigger more profound realization that will come when you take this Facilitator journey:

"You Are Me, Cleverly Disguised As You"

You see, as soon as you're sitting in the facilitator chair, leading your circle - all the different parts of YOU are now coming through the other members of the group. You're not just facilitating them, you're facilitating yourself!

As you bring resonance and harmony to the group, you automatically bring it into your own heart. As you help them see their blind spots, they will reflect back yours. As you support them to see the perfection of the moment, you expand your own trust in life. As you heal the room, you heal the very parts of you that have been fragmented and disowned for so many years. You've spent a lifetime searching for a way to build community, to find your people and to realize your own goodness and value, and now the search is over. This training will quite literally transform your world and enrich it beyond measure. If for no other reason, do it just for that.

Co-Create a Better World

Admit it, deep down you know the truth. There's something special about your being here at this time, at this place. You know you are meant to be part of a grand shift, a collective awakening that will give rise to a more harmonious, inter-connected world.

It's already happening. The world is changing faster than it's ever done before and today at this time, humanity needs conscious, heart centered and connected people who know how to live together, as a group, as a community. Spiritual practice for too long has been done as an individual journey. But you don't have to do it alone any more. We can do this together and through our collaborative inspired action, we can
help reshape this planet. It's a big call. But it's also the reason why Heart iQ 
exists. It's not enough to merely heal from our past hurts, or grow beyond our limitations and fears.

Right now, you have an opportunity to be a part of something really special, a community made up of hundreds (and in the future, thousands), of Heart iQ Facilitators around the world. As our amplified field grows, can you imagine what kind of impact we can make? With your help, we can infuse this work into the hearts of parents, couples, children, business leaders, the mentally ill, and those broken souls which our society has forgotten.

In time, your efforts will re-shape the very world in which we live, restoring balance with all living things and our planet, ensuring that everyone, young and old, rich and poor can live knowing their divine spark connects us all.

Who wouldn't want to be a part of that?

Client Spotlight: Roel, Belgium

Click the image above to hear Geoff share his experience 

Your Guides

Christian Pankhurst

Founder of Heart iQ

Christian Pankhurst is a world-renowned expert in heart-centered communication and group dynamics, specializing in intimacy and transformational spaces through the Heart IQ™ Method. This unique coaching framework leverages ‘circle work’ and the Heart IQ™ Amplified Field to accelerate awareness, healing, and inspired action.

With over 50,000 hours of facilitation experience since 2002, Christian is celebrated for his groundbreaking approach to emergent group dynamics. By attuning to the wisdom of the field rather than following predetermined agendas, he empowers groups to become their own greatest teacher.

As the founder of the Heart IQ™ Academy, Christian has trained over 400 coaches and facilitators in more than 50 countries, blending professional coach training with embodied practices to awaken personal and collective potential. Drawing from a rich background in chiropractic, natural healing, psychology, and embodiment modalities, his integrated methods provide a profound understanding of the human condition.

Christian is also the co-founder of New Eden, a transformational retreat center in the Netherlands, where he continues to host life-changing retreats and trainings across the U.S., UK, and Europe.

Sylvie Fröhlicher

Heart iQ Facilitator & Lead Teacher

Sylvie is a somatic coach, circle facilitator, and embodiment teacher dedicated to guiding clients toward bold, vulnerable, and authentic self-expression. She creates playful yet transformative spaces that support deep personal growth.

Her practice is deeply rooted in Integrative Body Psychotherapy (IBP), a somatic approach that bridges body and mind through resource-oriented practices. Drawing on IBP and other inspirational methods, Sylvie offers a dynamic and holistic coaching experience tailored to the needs of each individual or group.

Her expertise includes conscious communication, somatic intelligence, powerful expression, deep listening, and loving curiosity.

Passionate about inclusion, Sylvie is committed to creating spaces where unheard voices can be expressed, inspiring social change that begins from within.

Choose Your Track

Essentials Track:
Ideal for personal development or sharing Heart iQ in non-commercial settings (e.g., with friends, colleagues, or communities). Does not include certification, accreditation, or insurance eligibility. Perfect if you are not charging for services or hosting commercial events.

Professional Track: Designed for those who want to monetize their Heart iQ facilitation skills. Includes certification, accreditation, and insurance eligibility. Learn trauma-informed facilitation skills and professional best practices.

Click here to Read More Details About The Program Dates, Times and Costs.


€3000 €2500

Save €500 by Paying in Full

What's Included:
4- Month Heart iQ Circle Work Facilitator Training, May 22nd - September 21st

  • 12 weeks of online training with daily videos, theory and practice.
  • 8 group coaching calls with Christian
  • Heart iQ Live Training Retreat at New Eden, June 25th - 29th.
  • 8 weeks of Supervised Practice

The event in the Netherlands is held at New Eden, a stunning event space 90 minutes from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. 

Begin Application


€6600 €5995

Save €605 by Paying in Full

What's Included:
Everything in ESSENTIALS, Plus...

  • Healing in Tribe Retreat with Christian Pankhurst

    Included in this package is a discounted ticket to
     a 7-day retreat April 21st - 27th (Standard out of package price is €2500 plus accommodation).

    Experience a personal deep dive into Heart iQ Circle Work. Participants immerse themselves in their own personal process while receiving a powerful imprint of the work. 

  • Field Online Certified Trauma-Informed Training

    Included in this package is the six-month trauma-informed, certified online program led by Rachel Rickards and Catherine Hale. Purchased separately, this training normally costs €3000.

    * Field Online Certified Trauma-Informed Training begins in the Autumn of 2025.
Begin Application

Once you complete your application, within 4 days you will receive an email from our team as to whether you have been accepted or not. For those who are accepted, you will be sent a link to complete your registration. 

QUESTIONS? Please click the Live Chat button.

100% Money-Back Guarantee

The course begins May 5th. From this date, you'll have a full 14 days to try out this training including having full access to the live coaching calls with Christian. If you don't absolutely love the experience, just email or call us and we'll give you a full refund.


Heart iQ Challenge - Self Study Program

€995 value

As an extra perk and to support you on your Facilitator journey, we will be gifting you with our popular and life changing Heart iQ 90-Day Challenge immediately after you sign up.

This course is an online personal and professional education giving you weekly practices and daily coaching in Heart iQ.


Livestream Access & Recordings of BOTH Live Training Retreats

€995 value

We run the Live Training Retreat in both the USA and the Netherlands, and as a bonus, you will have access to both! You'll also be given complimentary access to the recordings of both events so you can review all the teachings.

BONUS 3 (Professional Track)

FREE Online Business Potential Audit

€500 value

Unlock the untapped potential of your online presence with a free Online Business Potential Audit by "The Prosperous Practice" – a marketing agency we have partnered with that specialises in done-for-you-solutions for wellness businesses.

In just one hour, they'll analyse your social media channels, website, and existing funnels to identify growth opportunities and provide actionable advice tailored to your business. This review offers you insights to optimise your online presence and set the stage for lasting success.

Some More Client Spotlights

Hélène, Canada

Josefina, Sweden

Kathy, USA

Suus, Netherlands

Mun, USA

Lynette, USA

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