FREE VIDEO SERIES: Discover the personal, relational & collective upgrade you'll receive with Heart iQ.


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In this video series, watch Heart iQ founder, Christian Pankhurst share how Heart iQ can help you heal your past, expand into your full potential, accelerate your awakening, reconnect to your deepest purposeĀ and transform your relationships.

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Your Host: Christian Pankhurst

Founder of the Heart iQ Method and author of 'Insights To Intimacy: Why Relationships Fail & How to Make Them Work'.

What You Will Learn In This Free Video Series:

  • VIDEO 1: The Big Picture

    In this first video, you'll get a big picture overview of the multi-dimensional healing work that is Heart iQ and you will learn about the 'Four Directions of Connection' framework.

  • VIDEO 2: The Personal Journey

    In this second video, Christian goes deeper into the personal healing journey of Heart iQ. You'll learn about how Heart iQ creates a culture and environment of connection, where attachment injury and childhood trauma has a chance to be met and dealt with safely. You'll also learn about nervous system regulation and the power of Heart iQ Mat Work to stretch into new emotional-energetic ranges.

  • VIDEO 3: The Relational Journey

    In this third video, Christian shares about Heart iQ as a language of love and the importance of learning conscious communication and interpersonal skills to build intimacy. Christian also talks about sacred sexuality and how Heart iQ supports healthy intimate relationships.

  • VIDEO 4: The Collective Journey

    In this fourth video, Christian shares about the transpersonal nature of Heart iQ Circle work and how we all have a need to connect collectively to regulate our nervous system as a community and connect to the larger multi-dimensional reality beyond the 'me' and into the 'we'.  Learn about entrainment, emergence and the power of unity consciousness.

  • VIDEO 5: The Professional Journey

    In this fifth and final video, Christian shares about leadership and how everyone should learn how to facilitate circle, as circle is an expression of our own inner world. Thus, if you can conduct and understand the dynamics of your outer world, you will be in a better position to lead yourself into health, freedom and abundance.  Christian also shares what the steps are in becoming a Heart iQ Coach, Practitioner and Circle Facilitator.


Heart iQ is unique as it combines multiple layers of healing into one system. There's space for your inner child to recover from attachment injury and for you to meet your trauma from a place of capacity and safety, through regulation and embodiment practices. You'll also experience Heart iQ mat work which allows you to expand into new and exciting emotional energetic ranges that will upgrade your life and relationships.


Heart iQ is a personal healing journey where you get to heal yourself in connection with others in community. But it's also a relationship and intimacy practice to deepen the bonds with those you care about, by learning a new language of love. Additionally, the work transcends the personal and becomes transpersonal where you're invited to surrender to the collective energies that emerge in an amplified, resonant field.


In addition to the personal journey, Heart iQ also offers the training required to become a world class facilitator and expert in group dynamics. Even if you never offer Heart iQ professionally, we believe everyone should learn how to facilitate circle because by learning to lead the dynamics of your outer world, it will help you understand and create harmony with your inner world, cultivating true self-leadership.

New to Heart iQ?

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